EgzMod GrepolisBot is the safest and most effective modification for the grepolis game which automates a lot of tasks!
Open Beta
Get it now!
EgzMod GrepolisBot is a non intrusive bot which does not directly inject or modify your game, it instead interprets it the same way you would and reacts accordingly.
The bot is always beeing updated.
Always up-to-date!
Unlike other bots this is not a script that is constantly running and modifying your game, it has a built-in integrated browser. It also has an emulated Tampermonkey in case you wish to use other extensions such as GRCRTools.
Improved performance!
The bot is very easy to configure to your taste
Improved customization!
In this section currently you can find the screenshots of our bot features.
As simple as that
Download our bot
You get a free 7 days trial if you never used our bot before
At this point all you have to do is to configure the bot to your playstyle
If you have any questions try looking for an answer on our official manual included with the bot(which is regularly updated), or contact our support team.
Before downloading the bot, make sure you meet the minimum requirements specified at requirements. When you download the bot it comes in a .zip file, you will need to right click and click "extract". If no option to extract is available, it is because you do not have a compressor installed in your PC. To install one select one from the list: (its free)
Once you download and install it, you will then be able to extract our .zip file
To download our bot click here and click on the Download button. Once you have downloaded and extracted the bot, simply open "egzMod_BotLauncher.exe" which will automatically check for available updates and then you can start the bot. The bot has a built-in browser, once you login into the game through the browser it will ask you for a serial number. You can then click "get free 7 days trial".
Yes you are allowed to do that. You can buy as many licenses as you want for what ever reason you want.
When you see the license counter at for example: 100/100, this means that licenses cannot be purchased, however if you have a non-expired license you can renew it, but if it expires you can only renew it when a slot is available.
Yes we can fluctuate the price whenever we want without prior notice.
We may decide to change the number of licenses available at any time.
If you have an active subscription you can renew it at any time to keep it (remember we may change the price at any time). If you buy for example: 3 years time lenght, of our product license, you will keep it and will not have to pay more for it.
Your license cannot be transfered to be used with another game account, under any circunstances. It can only be transfered if there are slots available and if you have accidentally purchased it on the wrong account. Or if the egzmod administration team decides to.
We do not offer refunds and we reserve the right to permanently ban the bot usage from your game nick / IP / Hardware ID , etc...
Yes we reserve the right to revoke your license at any time, without prior notice and/or reason specified. ex: If you attempt to sell your account / serial , attempted cracking,refund etc..
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
If you'd like to have a specific tampermonkey script available you can send it to our administration team for analysis. And it will be decided if it will be added to our product or not.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
For more information check out our manual included with the bot.
Click here and send us an e-mail or contact an admin at our discord.
You can support the project by chosing any of the following subscription plans. You get 7 free days trial for the first time you try the bot.
This section provides the system requirements for the GrepolisBot. Make sure you have the minimum requirements.
If you are trying the bot for the first time you will earn a free 7 days trial.
This bot requires the in-game premium services Captain & Administrator.
Intel CPU Core 3.3GHz / AMD CPU Phenom II
Integrated graphics
1 GB
Windows 7, 8 or 10
You can contact us by sending an email or even get live support by joining our official discord.